Tag Archives: Iran


Orwellian ‘New-Speak’, Iranian Style

By Nir Boms, 26th June 2007


  • An examination of the Iranian curriculum under former President Mohammad Khatami, considered a moderate and reformer, demonstrates that there has been no change in the values taught in Iranian schools since the time of Ayatollah Khomeini.
  • The indoctrination of Iranian children in the Iran-Iraq war is celebrated by references to their martyrdom. This “martyrdom” involved their committing suicide by running into minefields along the border areas in order to reach paradise.
  • The Millenarian patterns of thought of the Iranian leadership can be seen by constant references to clashes between the Islamic State and the “Oppressors” (i.e. the West). Seen in this light, President Ahmadinejad’s international statements acquire an even more sinister resonance.
  • Iran’s continued use of such a curriculum demonstrates the leadership’s mindset is not a benign one and that it sees education as a tool of its control mechanism.
  • Continue reading


Iran’s New Dark Side

By Nir Boms and Reza Bulorchi
Published July 14, 2005

Officially, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the incoming Iranian “elected” president, will assume his post next month – but his presence is already felt in the political circles and the streets of Tehran. Since his election, under the banner of a renewed Islamic revolution, the clerical regime hanged six people and sentenced another to death in the past week alone. 

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Iranians in Fear of Fear

By Nir Boms and Reza Bulorchi
Published March 23, 2006

Following two decades of Tehran’s lies and three years of international wishful thinking, Iran’s nuclear case was finally brought to the hands of the U.N. Security Council. In the meantime the mullahcracy in Tehran has been gearing itself for another phase of international standoff.   

On the same day Tehran declared “the Russian proposal is no longer on our agenda.” the Sunday Telegraph reported that Iran has built a secret underground emergency command center in north Tehran as “they prepare for a confrontation with the West over their illicit nuclear program.”     Continue reading


Iranian Thought Police

We must keep channels of communication with Iranian people open

Nir Bums, Niv Lilian

Ignorance is power, wrote George Orwell in his book “1984” when describing the thought police that kept “bad” ideas away from good people. “Big Brother’s” modus operandi worked well throughout history in eliminating undesired ideas kept away from those who may make use of them. If no alternative exists to thought or faith, the one thought or faith that does exist would win out. Good morning Iran.  Continue reading