Tag Archives: Mullahs


Le mythe des mollahs modérés

Auteurs Nir Boms, Reza Bulorchi

Source Jerusalem Post (Israël)
Référence « Myth of the moderate mullahs », Jerusalem Post, 2 février 2004.

La croyance populaire pourrait imaginer qu’un vent de liberté est en train de parcourir le Moyen-Orient avec les annonces en faveur de la démocratisation du président Assad en Syrie et de Kadhafi en Libye. De même, on peut croire que la crise actuelle en Iran est la preuve qu’il existe un vrai camp réformateur dans ce pays. Tout ceci n’est malheureusement qu’illusion comme l’a prouvé l’usage cynique de la catastrophe de Bam pour transporter les armes iraniennes vers la Syrie sous couvert de transport de matériel humanitaire. Continue reading


Iranians in Fear of Fear

By Nir Boms and Reza Bulorchi
Published March 23, 2006

Following two decades of Tehran’s lies and three years of international wishful thinking, Iran’s nuclear case was finally brought to the hands of the U.N. Security Council. In the meantime the mullahcracy in Tehran has been gearing itself for another phase of international standoff.   

On the same day Tehran declared “the Russian proposal is no longer on our agenda.” the Sunday Telegraph reported that Iran has built a secret underground emergency command center in north Tehran as “they prepare for a confrontation with the West over their illicit nuclear program.”     Continue reading


Iran’s summer of Discontent

Jun. 15, 2004


In recent years, summer in Iran has been marked by uprisings, strikes, public protests and the government’s harsh crackdown against them. There are signs this summer will be no different.

As the anniversary of the anti-government uprising of July 1999 approaches, widespread arrests of dissident students and women are taking place.

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Iran’s Suicide Registration Service

By Nir Boms
FrontPageMagazine.com | July 6, 2004

Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) are usually associated with humanitarian relief and peaceful advocacy work.  As such, it is not everyday that an NGO is in charge of recruiting “suicide volunteers” to dispatch overseas to strike at “world arrogance.”

Yet that was precisely the case at a three-day conference in June sponsored by the Iranian government and its state-financed “Committee for Commemoration of Martyrs of the Global Islamic Movement,” which the mullahs bill as an NGO.

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