The dangers of militant Islam – Jerusalem Studio 422

One of the most distinct phenomena of the last several decades has been the rise of militant Islam. Both regimes and organized-movements have sprung-up throughout the Middle East and beyond, with ambitious agendas and lethal actions based on modern technology and the ease of recruitment in the era of mass-communications. That said, these radical entities have suffered some set-backs as of late, with a question arising regarding Islamic terror: whether its spread has been contained, or is it regrouping to strike again.

Panel: -Jonathan Hessen, host.

-Amir Oren, analyst.

-Dr. Nir Boms – Research fellow, Moshe Dayan center at Tel Aviv University.

-Dr. Fadi Essmaeel, Fellow at the Institute for Counter Terrorism in Herzliyah.

One thought on “The dangers of militant Islam – Jerusalem Studio 422

  1. An ability to form well organized states leave the land to the militias , the fail of the other ideologies ( national , democratic ,..) push the people to use the religions as political ideology , the question : is this phenomenon because the fail of the political sate , or the fail it self because of it ( i think the first is true ) so why that states have failed or going to fail in all the region ? that mean we have to search for the reason not the result to face this phenomenon seriously . we can’t destroy the states and the societies ( colonial behave ) and expect good reaction . it is not only the Islam need reform , but also the international system . any coin have double faces. from the Muslim’ society point of view it is a defense way…!!!!

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