All posts by Nir Boms
إسرائيل وفلسطين – اليوم التالي من حرب غزة
الدراسة من إعداد د.نير بومس وسارة عويضة – الشبكة العربية العالمية
في خضم الحرب الدموية والمسار المأساوي التي بدأت في السابع من تشرين الأول (أكتوبر)، يحتاج الإسرائيليون والفلسطينيون إلى تفكير معمق وطرح بعض الأسئلة الصعبة حول مستقبل بديل لا يزال من الممكن بنائه والاعتماد عليه. هل يمكن تحويل هذه المأساة إلى مسار إيجابي لكلا الشعبين؟ نحن نوضح كيف يمكن تحقيق ذلك.
نكتب في واحدة من أحلك اللحظات في تاريخ الصراع الإسرائيلي الفلسطيني على خلفية حرب أخرى في غزة. الحرب التي بدأت بعد هجوم 7 أكتوبر/تشرين الأول غير المسبوقة، سرعان ما برزت باعتبارها أدنى نقطة في تاريخ الصراع الإسرائيلي الفلسطيني: إن عدد الضحايا الفلسطينيين يقارن بالفعل بعدد القتلى الفلسطينيين مجتمعين على مدى 75 عاما الماضية. كما أن هذه الديناميكية المدمرة تجد كلا المجتمعين في قبضة أزمة قيادية.
في السنوات الأخيرة، وحتى السابع من تشرين الأول (أكتوبر)، كانت المنطقة تتحرك نحو مسار قوي من التقدم والتواصل، مدعومة كثيرًا باتفاقات إبراهيم. ولكنها الآن تجد نفسها مرة أخرى منشغلة بالديناميكيات المألوفة والمدمرة للصراع الإسرائيلي الفلسطيني. وعلى نطاق أوسع، أدى ذلك إلى اندلاع حريق في لبنان واليمن وإيران والبحر الأحمر.
Continue readingIsrael and Palestine, 4.0 – An Alternate Future
Dr. Nir Boms and Sarah Aweidah, the Global Arab Network
Amid a bloody war and the tragic course that began on October 7th, Israelis and Palestinians require a profound process of introspection, asking some difficult questions about an alternate future that may still be built. Can this tragedy be turned into a positive path forward for both people? We outline how this could be achieved.
We write during one of the darkest moments in the history of the Israeli–Palestinian conflict set against the backdrop of another war in Gaza. The war that began after the unprecedented October 7th attack has quickly emerged as the lowest point in the history of the Israeli–Palestinian conflict: the tally of Palestinian casualties already compares to the combined Palestinian death toll of the past 75 years. This destructive dynamic also finds both societies in the grips of a leadership crisis.
In recent years, until October 7th, the region was moving toward a robust path of progress and connectivity, much buoyed by the Abraham Accords. But now, it once again finds itself consumed by the familiar, destructive dynamics of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. On a broader scale, this has triggered a conflagration in Lebanon, Yemen, Iran and the Red Sea.
Israel has endured the largest massacre of its people since the Holocaust and now grapples with the aftermath of an intelligence failure of catastrophic proportions. The war has temporarily diverted attention away from a protracted political division but has been far from ending the political debate, fueled by anger and revenge.
At the same time, Palestinians – caught in the crossfire in Gaza amid Israeli bombings and internal Hamas strife – are now confronted with an imperative for decisive action. However, Palestinians have little leverage as their options are constrained by Hamas’s relentless persistence in Gaza and Abu Mazen’s diminishing influence in Ramallah.
The Arab nations, witnessing the unexpected rise of radical forces, find themselves incapable of distancing themselves from the unfolding events. Torn between sympathy for the cause and fear of further escalation, they are once again summoned to assume a mediating role, provide aid, and contribute to covering the costs incurred.
On all sides, a new operating system is needed.
Israel 1.0 was conceived in 1948. The Jews settled the land and began to construct state infrastructure that came to fruition after the conclusion of the British mandate and after a war of independence with the Arabs, who refused to accept a partition plan for a two-state solution. With barely 600,000 Jews in 1948, Israel was a small nation often perceived as David among the colossal Goliaths surrounding it. Marked by a socialist orientation and grappling with the trauma of the Holocaust, Israel was finding its way, seeking refuge behind the major powers at the time. The young country had made its first steps in the international arena and worked to create relations with the non-Arab allies in the region. Turkey and Iran became trusted allies. The Palestinians, at this point, are mainly on the other side of the border.
Continue readingWhen it comes to Israel, the people of Iran go against their Ayatollahs
Israeli-Palestinian conflict serves as main instrument in the attempt to galvanize Iran as well as Muslims and others.
Published in the Jerusalem Post
For the past 44 years, the Islamic regime in Iran has tried to foment hatred towards Israel both at home and abroad, dedicating vast resources to its hateful anti-Israel campaign. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict serves as the main instrument in this attempt to galvanize both Iranians as well as Muslims, and others around the world. While it’s clear that Iran is able to support a wide proxy network that actively participates in the war against Israel, it is less clear how successful it has been regionally, as well as globally, in advancing an anti-Israel agenda.
One thing, however, is certain: domestically, Iran’s anti-Israel campaign has been a failure.
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