For the last 10 years Syria has been a Member-State of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons and has undertaken obligations to get rid of all facilities and stockpiles of these horrendous means of destruction. The OPCW has a cumbersome mechanism of inquiries, fact-finding, investigations and reports. So while it was obvious to objective outside observers that the Assad regime had no qualms using gas on rebels and civilians alike, Damascus managed to get away with murderous attack, regardless of periodic inspections and protests. Following the most recent report by the OPCW Director-General, Spanish Ambassador Fernando Arias, what is the current status of suspected Syrian Chemical weapons? Panel: – Host : Jonathan Hessen – Amir Oren : Editor at Large, Host of Watchmen Talk and Powers in Play – Dr. Nir Boms, Research fellow, Moshe Dayan center at Tel Aviv University – LT. COL. Sarit Zehavi CEO & Founder of Alma Research & Education Center.