The Palestinian side has rejected the US president’s peace plan. Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas said that the Palestinian people will send Trump’s “deal of the century” to the “garbage can” of history, adding that the United States will eventually recognize Palestine within its original 1967 borders.
Dr. Nir Boms, a research fellow at the Moshe Dayan Centre at Tel Aviv University and the coordinator of the TAU Workshop on Israel and the Middle East, shares his opinion on whether Trump’s ‘deal of the century’ is going to work out or not, and possible scenarios that may follow its announcement.
Sputnik: Trump’s peace plan calls for two states, Israel and Palestine, with the Palestinian capital in parts of East Jerusalem. The plan calls for a 4-year freeze on Israeli settlement activity, and a doubling of Palestinian territory. Could such a plan work ?
Boms: There are many plans that were suggested and unfortunately have not worked completely. This plan is not a simple plan. It requires the acceptance of both sides, including the Palestinian side, which at this point rejects it, vehemently. It needs the backup of other allies, who have so far indicated that they are not going to accept it. So I think that feasibility, at this moment in time – unfortunately, it does not seem very likely.
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