Tag Archives: France


La French Connection

Autoras y autores Nir Boms, Reza Bulorchi

Fuente Washington Times (Estados Unidos)
Referencia «The French connection», por Nir Boms y Reza Bulorchi, Washington Times, 11 de marzo de 2005.

Mientras Washington estudia un posible apoyo a la propuesta europea de comerciar con Irán, han aparecido inquietantes revelaciones con relación al programa nuclear de Teherán. El Organismo Internacional de la Energía Atómica (OIEA) anunció que se le había negado el acceso a la base militar de Parchin y Associated Press afirmó que Irán había comenzado a construir un reactor de agua pesada. Francia, Gran Bretaña y Alemania prosiguen a pesar de todo su fútil política de apaciguamiento. Continue reading


The Syrian-French Connection

By Nir Boms
FrontPageMagazine.com | September 29, 2003

While the media is busy focusing on the troubling story of the two American soldiers detained at Guantanamo Bay for alleged espionage, both of whom had Syrian connections, another Syria story has passed them by. The names of Ahmad al Halabi, an American of Syrian descent, and Captain James Yee, a convert to Islam who spent four years in Damascus before returning to active service, are now well known. But the name of Nizar Nayouf, a Syrian journalist and human rights activist that was detained last week by French police in Paris, will most probably stay anonymous.  Nayouf’s only crime is that he opposes the regime in Damascus, a regime that the French government wishes to appease.

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A Dissident in Paris

Jan. 17, 2004


Nizar Nayouf has not only seen hell, he has even lived to tell about it. Barely.

Just 41 years old, Nayouf suffers from permanent spinal injuries, a failing left kidney, a bleeding gastric ulcer, and deteriorating eyesight. He also has paralysis in his lower extremities and unsightly disfigurements caused by cigarette burns that were anything but accidental.

The source of Nayouf’s ailments, and the scene of his own personal hell, was Syria’s Palestine Prison, which is run by the Syrian Intelligence Service or “Mukhabarat,” famous for its unrelenting cruelty.

His crime? Founding a human rights organization and speaking out against a Ba’athist regime that has held Syria in a totalitarian grip for four decades.

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