Tag Archives: Interpol


Another view on Iranian terror

Terrorism is a real threat, and terrorists are dangerous. Fortunately, most of us have not encountered a terrorist.  Perhaps this might be a good chance for an introduction. Meet Mr. Shahram Homayoun, a resident of Los Angeles and the owner of Channel One TV, a Farsi satellite station that airs in Iran.

Homayoun is an outspoken critic of the clerical regime in Iran who runs a daily program which has grown in popularity.  This, according to some – including the International Police Organization  (Interpol) – qualifies him to  the position. You will find the rest of the story – that was the base of a policy paper for the Henry Jackson Society below or the Caspian Weekly link here.

Another view on Iranian terror

By: Nir Boms and Shayan Arya

Mr. Shahram Homayoun, a resident of Los Angeles and the owner of Channel One TV, a Farsi satellite station that airs in Iran is now on the Interpol terrorist list. But the connection between him and terrorism has nothing to do with anything that involves his actions. But it has something do with the actions of his country, Iran, a proud sponsor of terrorism and a savvy player in the world of international law. Iran’s latest “achievement” is a very worrying sign for anyone who still believes in the international system who should have responded very differently to this case.

Homayoun is an outspoken critic of the clerical regime in Iran who runs a daily program which has grown in popularity.  He garners a wide following inside Iran and among Iranian Diaspora. His personal program, “the Last Moment,” offers a daily analysis on events in Iran and focuses on exposing human rights violations.

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