Tag Archives: Oil


The Other Iran Crisis

July 19, 2007; Page A14

While the world focuses on Iran’s centrifuges, the regime in Tehran appears to be in the midst of one of its most ferocious crackdowns on dissent in years. The government has focused on labor leaders, universities, the press, women’s rights advocates, a former nuclear negotiator, Iranian-Americans and even civil servants who demanded higher salaries. Iran’s cruel treatment of its own citizens is yet another sign that it can’t be trusted to respect the welfare of other nations. Continue reading


Chilling Iranian Stories

Article published Jul 16, 2007

By Nir Boms

In the background of new reports about Iran’s ability to produce its own nuclear centrifuges and while Olli Heinonen, the International Atomic Energy Agency’s No. 2 is making his way to Tehran in order to observe the “transparency” of its nuclear program, Iran’s security forces appear busy with more pressing matters. Continue reading